Trish and Harold's Weblog

News, information, and random thoughts from the busy lives of Trish Egan and Harold Phillips.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Welcome to the new Weblog!

Hey all... welcome to the new weblog, hosted at

Why did I change from the old one? Well, there's a lot of different reasons... but to begin with, I got tired of being called the "Worst blogger on the internet" (thanks so much, Mr. LaBelle!). The old "blog" was just a page I kept hosted on my business web site, at I had to do all the HTML coding myself, which meant that adding an update was a lot more time-intensive than it needed to be (ok, those of you who know me know I never really shy away from doing things "the hard way," but when it takes you three months to get up the gumption to do a post... lets just say things were getting out of hand).

The system is much easier to use. I can just log in and make a post, instead of having to code html, upload the page, check for errors, re-upload the page, etc.

Another thing I wasn't satisfied with was the "shortcut address" I'd been using ( You may remember the notice at the top of the left-hand-nav bar about software trying to download... as "spyware" becomes more and more of a threat to internet users, I didn't want to be part of the problem. The "" company that provided that "shortcut address" was starting to try to download spyware to people's machines, and I spend enough time trying to defend people from that stuff. So, they're outta there.

Finally, I wanted something that would allow me to easily update the blog but still give me the flexability to add my own little touches, like the "buddy counter" (it's still there... look to the right!) and the "Notify me when this page is updated" box (also on the right). There are a lot of free "blogging" services out there, but many of them make you pay for the priveledge of customizing your page. doesn't, so that's why we're here.

Ok, that's the low-down on why we moved... please update your bookmarks accordingly, and re-sign-up for the notification service ( is a legit company. I've been using them for years). You shouldn't get any more notifications about being updated... because it won't be. But I'm going to leave those pages there for archival purposes.

Hope you're all doing well...
