Trish and Harold's Weblog

News, information, and random thoughts from the busy lives of Trish Egan and Harold Phillips.

Friday, November 23, 2007

My January And February Are Officially Scheduled

Giggity Giggity Giggity!

When I talked to my parents yesterday, they reminded me that I hadn't updated you all on the "possibly-cast-in-two-shows" quandry I wrote about a couple of posts back.

First off, the commercial call-back and audition went well... I felt like I made a good showing at both of them. It'll probably come down to "look" on both; whether the director and/or producer and/or client wants someone who looks like me, or someone else. I won't hear about either until next week.

On the theater side, I got a call from Sarah Jane at Northwest Children's Theater on Wednesday (well, from the production manager, the lovely and always-on-top-of-things Wendy Reznicsek) saying that I wasn't going to be cast as a principal in their upcoming production of The Devil and Daniel Webster, so I called up Pavement Productions and accepted a role in Dead of Winter.

Dead of Winter is going to be a really cool show. As I mentioned before, it'll be an evening of three short plays by Steve Patterson presented at Performance Works Northwest from February 1st through the 23rd.

The play I'll be in, Whitechapel focuses on an American editor living in London. The flat she's living in may or may not be haunted... by a very famous ghost (you can probably figure out who it is - or isn't - from the title). I play the editor's boss (and lover).

We'll have a read-through or two in December, then rehearsals start in ernest.

And that's what's going on... hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
