Trish and Harold's Weblog

News, information, and random thoughts from the busy lives of Trish Egan and Harold Phillips.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Avast me hearties... did ye talk like a pirate yesterday? Did ye? Well, the gang at PVP sure did! The Pirate Movie? YARRRRRRR!!!!!

I don't care what the lunar calendar says, summer's over as far as the Northwest's concerned. Which is just fine with me - I'm loving the cool nights that force you to snuggle under your blankets and pull them up around your chin. I'm most definitely an autumn person; as the leaves start to fall and the sky clouds over in preparation for the fall rains, my mind clears and I become more focused. This is my most productive season, the season when I feel like I can achieve greatness (though I won't be achieving greatness at Theatre Vertigo - I got an email last night saying "thanks but no thanks" for their production of The Love of the Nightingale - ah well... it would have been great to be in the production, but they had PLENTY of guys to choose from).

Well, enough rambling. I have to get Mt. Hood Rep's Readers Theatre Season up on the web site before I go out to my first appointment... hope you're all doing well. Enjoy the turning of the leaves!
