Trish and Harold's Weblog

News, information, and random thoughts from the busy lives of Trish Egan and Harold Phillips.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Busy Busy Busy... and Gonna Be A Whole Lot Busier!

Hey gang

Remember when I had the time to liesurely post about funny little things I'd found on the internet? My outrage at the current state of the world? Random thoughts and philosophy?

Yeah, me neither... but it seems like there was a time when I wasn't so freakin' busy; a time when I did more than just post updates about what's been going in in Trish and my life. I think that time existed... somewhere way back when...

Anyhoo, here's the 411 on what's happening with us lately:

- My brother James' wedding over the weekend was lovely. He and his wife Laurie got married at a sculpture garden in Bellingham that we'd never been to, called "Big Rock Garden of Art." The park in this little out-of-the-way corner near Lake Whatcom, and it's got an amazing variety of sculpture scattered around tree-covered trails. Made for a lovely Saturday afternoon - James and Laurie looked great, we got to meet Laurie's dad and sister, the ceremony was very nice, and we got to wander around and look at very cool sculpture afterward. Score on the location, James... if you guys are ever up in Bellingham, WA, be sure to check that place out.

I posted the photos I took at the wedding online. Click here to take a look.

- Trish and I have both been cast in new gigs... See? I told you in the title that we were going to be even busier. Trish got a phone call last night telling her that she's been cast in ART's upcoming holiday production of Inspecting Carol. A very funny play at one of the city's more prestigious theatres - she's pretty damned stoked! Of course, this means that she'll go into rehearsals immediately after opening The Witches at Northwest Children's Theatre, and our trip to see our friend Marnice in Maui is going to have to be put on hold... but still! It's a great opportunity for her to work on a hilarious show at one of the best theatres in Portland. Lachiam!

I also got word late Monday night that I've been cast in a short film my friend Chris Herman is directing, called L.E.A.D. produced by the Art Institute of Portland (yeah, that's right, it's a student film. No pay, but it's another credit, something for the "reel" I'm in the process of building, and a chance to work with some great people). It's a futuristic film noir centered around a burned out drug-inforcement officer who's chasing the distributor of a new, nano-tech based drug. I'm going to be playing the officer's partner. The film will have a premier at the Hollywood Theatre here in Portland... I'll let you know when it's going to be shown to the public.

- Rehearsals for Jingle Spree, which opens in October at the CoHo Theatre in Northwest Portland, are going well. We've been doing "table work" over the past couple of weeks; drilling the lines so we're solid on them before we start to actually block the show in September. There has been one little wrinkle, though... one of our cast members had to drop out last night, so we're going to have to bring in someone new and integrate her into the cast. It's a bit of a shake-up, but we've got plenty of time before we open.

- I had my first can of "Energy Drink" on Friday as we were heading up to Bellingham for James and Laurie's wedding. I knew I needed something to keep me up for the drive, and the AMPM that we stopped at in Woodland, WA didn't have any coffee-based drinks, so I broke down and bought a Monster Energy Drink instead. BLEAUGH!!!!!! I won't be doing that again... it tasted like an over-sweetened, bubble gum flavored urinal cake (and no, I haven't tasted a urinal cake for reference. I've just smelled them, and this crap tasted like they smell. Urgh!!). I'm not going to be indulging in one of THOSE again... but hey, at least I didn't drink a Rockstar drink. As Trish reminded me at the store, that company is owned by Michael Savage's son and heavily endorsed by him on his neo-fascist radio show. No thanks... I'd prefer not to give that bastard any money, even if it is side-ways in terms of sales figures.

- My parents got a new dog while we were up visiting... a young pug, heavily muscled pug that I jokingly started calling Arnold (and of course, I had to "make him talk" in Herr Schwartzenegger's voice). He's a great dog, very friendly and loving as pugs are wont to be.

- I'm getting closer to actually having a web site at but the area that's really tripping me up is the biography page. I know, everyone hates to write these things... but there's got to be a way to "sell myelf" in my biography without makingme sound like a completely conceited, narcisistic jerk. I'll keep working on it... sigh... you can see my temporary "working site" by clicking here.

Ok, that's the word on what's going on with Trish and I at this point in our crazy lives... I've got to hit the road and get to work! Hope you're all doing well...
