A Bit of This And That: Stefanie's Email
Interested or know anyone who might be? Shoot Stef an email at sertich@yahoo.com!I am coming to Portland April 7-14 to teach an audition weekend workshop. I am
setting it up through Lake Oswego high school, so its for teens and young
adults. If you know anyone who might be interested in attending, could I ask you
to let me know? I am marketing this thing myself and I'm having a hard time getting kids signed up. I find the parents are best to go through. And since the kids at Lake Oswego aren't signing up rapidly, I am opening it up to anyone in the area.Its 4 classes-- 2 on April 12 and 2 on April 13, during the day in
Lake Oswego. They can come to one, or all four. Its $30 a class (four hour
class). I will be working on individual monologues, musical theatre songs, a
broadway dance number (I will teach the original choreography) and also have a
nyc industry chat session. Each one of those subjects are different classes. Its
basically to work on their audition pieces, improve their work and help them get
over the jitters of auditioning. I also believe in building self confidence and
individuality. Any student looking to improve their acting will benefit. I've
been working with this age group in the city and find them to be so fun!My point is to come to Portland and give back. If I was independently wealthy, it
would be free! But I'm trying to make it affordable and accessible and help kids
realize that its possible to have a career in theatre. No matter where they are.
If you know anyone, I would be most appreciative. I can email you the
attachments or you can send my info along, or anything you think is appropriate.You would be doing me a huge favor.
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