Trish and Harold's Weblog

News, information, and random thoughts from the busy lives of Trish Egan and Harold Phillips.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hey, Look At That Bus... Is That...?

Yeah, that's right. It's me and my good friend (and frequent collaborator) Mercedes Rose on the back of that TriMet bus heading down the Portland street. We probably look something like this:

Or, maybe like this:

(My friend Audrey was nice enough to snap that photo on her cell phone and post it. Thanks, Audrey!)

Nifty, huh? It's all part of the Home Improvement Show campaign that I shot last month (I mentioned it in that big, long post a week ago... but you may not have scrolled down far enough to see mention of it. Hey, I know how long-winded I get some times...)

The TV spot will start to air here in the next week or so... watch for it on the local broadcast stations (I'm not sure if they've done a cable buy or not). For those of you outside the Portland area, I'll be sure to post a copy on the Video section of once I get the DVD.

Hope you're all doing well...
